stem toys 11-12-year olds

Ages 11-12


Best STEM Toys for 11 Year Olds in 2024

You might be having problems finding STEM toys advanced enough for 12 year olds. We do not blame you - this is a tricky age to cater to in the educational toys department thanks to how marvelous the modern older child’s mind is. They are, after all, about to become teenagers, and high school is no joke! So, take care of their STEM toy needs and have a look at the most developed educational toys our online toy store has to offer.

Treasure Draguardian Drake Puzzle
Adventure Cruiser SlowDrive
Fantasy Breach Puzzle the Exit
Plant Labyrinth Green Puzzle
Cruel King Peter Puzzle
Transformed Princess Love Lake Puzzle
Iron Biter Jungle Kit
Red Hornet Aerial Zip and Glide
Splendid Mountain Scene Puzzle
The Iconic Ballroom Scene Puzzle
Barnyard Oxygen Fort
UFO Oxygen Fort
The Toxic Marsh Adventure
LEGO NASA Space Shuttle Discovery
STEM Programmable Code Roller
Code and Load STEM Rover
Coding Bot STEM Companion