The first time my wife told me about this, I thought it sounded silly. Well, I'm an idiot. This thing is amazing. We started using it in the car before we were taking an intercontinental flight with out 3-month old. It completely knocks him out in the car, and was nothing short of amazing on the 12-hour flight. I don't know why it works, because it doesn't sound like a person shushing to me, but who cares because it does work! And, not that you want to find out, but it can take a beating. We have dropped it many times, and it always comes right back on. I only wish the timer was longer. The longest setting is about 30 minutes, and for us, the moment it stops is a race against the clock to reset it before the beast awakens... Thankfully, once back on, our baby goes right back to sleep. If you know someone having a baby, become their favorite friend and give them this as a gift.
We would be lost without our baby shusher! One time we lost it in the car while on a road trip with the baby and didn’t know what to do, then we remembered we could shush him ourselves. How exhausting and we couldn’t have any adult conversation. Ugh!!!!
Love this product!! I use it in the car a lot and when I am grocery shopping, really anytime I would normally make shush sound for my baby can’t due to where I am or what I am doing. It calms him down 95% of the time. I have had many people ask me what it is or “what’s making that sound” and I am happy to tell them. I would recommend to anyone caring for a baby!! As you can tell by my video it also works on older kids as well!!
This is silly. I never thought I would recommend this to anyone. But here I am.It literally shushes... It works too! With the moves Heather has had a hard time transitioning, and has not been sleeping well, and refused to sleep in her own room.Well... Baby Shusher to the rescue! Literally the same night we opened it, she went to bed in her own bed, excited she had a new "toy" to play with. Within a couple minutes she was sound asleep. This has been happening the entire week! It is my life saver. She only takes it tobed with her, and that is fine by me, if it keeps her asleep all night, and in her own bed.When she wakes in the night I hear her turn it back on, and she falls right back asleep.It's sounds silly, but it works. Get it if your out of options!!! Plus their swaddling blankets make the perfect blankets for going to bed, or for in the car.The binkies are a little long for my little ones mouths, but maybe when they are bigger, they will use them.
I have a 3 month old baby who fights naps like a gladiator. Pair that with first time clueless parents and nap time was quite the event at our household. I bought every sleep sack and gimmick I could find. None of them worked until I came across the shusher! Today is the first day using it and I put my baby in her crib for her first nap and she fell asleep after 2 minutes of crying. I thought this was a unicorn moment but I am writing this review as she sleeps in her crib beside me. It took me 1 minute! That’s right-1 minute!!! I want to cry happy tears. I am buying a shusher for day care and another to have as backup just in case something happens to this gem of a device. If you have a terrible napper, buy the shusher! My only complaint is there isn’t an option to keep it shushing. My baby wakes up as soon as the 30 min timer runs out so I have to quickly turn it back on or nap time is over.