This all-inclusive easel really has it all! The All-in-One Easel features a magnetic whiteboard on one side, and an easily erasable chalkboard on the other, as well as a convenient refillable paper roll. The height is fully adjustable to three different levels, encouraging artists young and old. Special screw down clamps keep your paintings and drawing nice and flat for the best artistic experience. Includes color coded sealable pots for paint, and a large tray to hold all your artistic utensils. Some easy assembly required for this compact and easily storable easel. Made from wood sourced from environmentally sustainably sourced forests. Durable child-safe paint finish and solid wood construction make this a toy your child will love for years to come. Hape toys stimulate children through every stage of development and help nurture and develop their natural abilities.
Our SmartKidsPlanet initiative began in 2017 when 3 geeky and dedicated parents saw a gap in the children’s toys and games market. An opportunity was spotted while we struggled to find toys and games for our kids which enriched their minds and guided them toward science, art, math and construction. The trio then knew that their paths were set, establishing an online shop with a comprehensive range of intelligent toys for babies, children and young teenagers.
I love this product! Bought for my 5 yo son for Easter bc it's the only one that is height adjustable. I recommend buying the Hapenrefill roll of paper, as the initial one makes about 5 pics. The refill is very large & worth the price. I purchased crayola dry erase crayons as well for the board no mess of markers or drying out from losing caps. 5 __
Pour les parents difficiles difficile de trouver redire. Le montage est simple, rien ne manque, le tableau est d'excellente manufacture. Ma petite de 2 ans et demi aime beaucoup et la famille aussi. Du coup je vais voir s'il y a des petits meubles de cette marque !
Je recherchais un tableau/chevalet de qualit̩ pour les 3ans de ma fille...et je ne savais pas trop lequel choisir car les critiques mentionnaient en g̩n̩rale des d̩ception sur la qualit̩ justement. Apr̬s avoir taper "tableau enfant de qualit̩" sur google, je suis tomb̩ sur celui-l...je l'ai re̤u aujourd'hui et il est parfait !! Montage facile, et tr̬s stable et solide..je pense que le bois est du h̻tre et non du sapin, le bois est donc robuste, la visserie est de qualit̩ ̩galement. Un tr̬s bon rapport qualit̩/prix. Allez-y les yeux ferm̩s !!!!! Merci cette marque (et je n'ai pas d'actions je pr̩cise ! lol).
Es muy bonito y muy fcil de armar. Tiene la altura correcta para mis hijos y me encanta que tenga diferentes niveles. Afortunadamente lo encontr̩ en excelente precio.
Le tableau parfait, solide, facile monter, r̩glable, ma fille de 3 ans adore ! Pr̩voir de passer r̩guli̬rement le tableau noir au chiffon humide car il s'efface mal au tampon, mais ce n'est pas tr̬s grave et c'est le cas de beaucoup de tableau. Super le rouleau de papier, ma fille est bien positionner pour ̩crire ou coller des trucs.