Enter the Baby Bunny STEM Forest where the Fluffball Family are waiting for you to code their daily lives and STEM adventures. There are so many incredible different ways to arrange Bunny Mommy, Son and Daughter that you will never feel bored while helping these adorable critters overcome various coding challenges and activities. Make sure to keep them fed, clean and happy in general.
Our SmartKidsPlanet initiative began in 2017 when 3 geeky and dedicated parents saw a gap in the children’s toys and games market. An opportunity was spotted while we struggled to find toys and games for our kids which enriched their minds and guided them toward science, art, math and construction. The trio then knew that their paths were set, establishing an online shop with a comprehensive range of intelligent toys for babies, children and young teenagers.
My 2,5 year old loves this toy, whereas my 5,5 year old lost interest a bit faster.It's not an interactive toy that talks back to you, but it has funny settings like dance mode and making noises when it eats.
des personnages toujours aussi joliment finistout est dans le souci du d̩tail, des couleurs...Un ensemble qui n'est pas seulement un jouetLUDIQUE APPRENANTON adore !
Ich als Programmierin sehe es nat_rlich gerne, wenn Kindern das Programmieren nah gebracht wird, vor allem in jungen Jahren. Also habe ich mich sehr _ber dieses Spielzeug gefreut, was ich meiner 5 j_hrigen Nichte geschenkt habe.Das Set ist schon umfangreich und sehr niedlich designt. Der Hase ben̦tigt zun_chst 3 Batterien, die nicht enthalten sind. Danach kann man die M̦hre platzieren und dem Hasen Anweisungen geben, die dann "abgefahren" werden. Manchmal werden diese nicht pr_zise ausgef_hrt und der Lerneffekt bleibt aus. Das grobe Grundprinzip wird hier etwas verdeutlicht, aber so richtig lernen die Kinder nicht viel.Dazu macht der Hase auch Ger_usche und kann singen, leuchten usw.Die Schaukel bleibt leider nicht h_ngen.Also insgesamt 4*.
these are really cute and they do what they say they're supposed to but it's a little hard for a four-year-old or under to use these too much Direction
3-year-old granddaughter absolutely loved it she wanted to take it to dinner and she did, she wanted to take it to bed and she wanted to take it to preschool lol