Take on your friends and family with the innovative Magnetic Battle Magnet STEM Magicians game! This game is something like ice hockey, only instead of using air, we have the power of magnets! You and your opponent each control a metal piece by holding a magnet underneath the board. Move your piece about at lightning-fast speeds and try your best to score against your opponent while defending your own post! Start training for the world-championships now!
Our SmartKidsPlanet initiative began in 2017 when 3 geeky and dedicated parents saw a gap in the children’s toys and games market. An opportunity was spotted while we struggled to find toys and games for our kids which enriched their minds and guided them toward science, art, math and construction. The trio then knew that their paths were set, establishing an online shop with a comprehensive range of intelligent toys for babies, children and young teenagers.
Hatten es in einer Show im Fernsehen gesehen, der Sohn fand es so cool dass wir es zu Weihnachten verschenkten. Die Verarbeitung ist super und hochwertig. Die Anleitung bzw. das Spiel ist leicht verst_ndlich erkl_rt und zu verstehen. Das Spiel macht super viel Spa und ist doch nicht ganzes einfach wie man denkt. Einen Ball und einen kleinen Magneten gibt es als Ersatz, in der Anleitung wird man darauf hingewiesen, dass man einen kompletten Zubeh̦rsatz problemlos nachkaufen kann.Das Spiel ist absolut empfehlenswert
This is a very fun game that is easy to learn and good for all skill levels. The only drawback is only 2 people can play at a time, but we just do a best 2 out of 3 games and make it quick. They also sell a larger 4 person version.
We bought this for the dining room table at our lake house. We try to keep non-electronic entertainments on hand to keep the kids (or adults)from getting board. It is a great game that is fast to learn and addictive to play. All ages of our family have loved it from 7-70. It is a pricey game but it gets used so much it was worth it.
Very giftable. Fun for all ages!
As a parent I've bought more (overpriced) games than I care to remember. Some of them are fun and have some replay value, but most usually end up sitting in the closet until the next garage sale. This one has actually seen a lot of use in our home, we play it quite a bit. The game is basically a version of air-hockey using a ball instead of a puck but with some twists. You use your magnet below the board to control your piece as it slides around above. There are some small round magnets on the board and if you get too close they will stick to your piece; if two attach to you, the round is over and the opponent gets a point. If your piece slides into the indentation on your side (your goal) then a 'Klask' occurs and your opponent scores a point. That's pretty much the basics of the game. If it sounds simple, it is, but it turns out it is a lot of fun. Even though I play against my younger children, it isn't a game you can really dominate as the limitations of the board don't allow for overpowered shots. This is its best feature, that the level of gameplay is fairly level despite your age. The only downside is that it is an awkward wooden game that isn't foldable in any way so it will take up some space in the closet.