This is The Best Dollhouse! My 5 year old wanted "a BIG dollhouse" and she couldn't be happier. It has ridiculous amounts of detail, like towels and a rubber duckie for the bathroom and throw pillows for the sofa, and it's colorful and gender-neutral. You have to buy your own dolls to populate it but there are black, white, and Asian families available. We also got the additional furniture for the kids' room because the bunk beds were too cute. If you were torn between a Victorian dollhouse and this modern structure, choose this one. It's easy to play with and even has solar panels on the reversible (summer/winter) roof plates. My husband put it together by himself with no problems in about 45 minutes.
My three year old son requested a "purple house" for Christmas. After much searching, I came across this house. I like the fun colors and one of the panels was purple, so I was able to sell it to the 3 year old as a "colors house". (If you are looking for a house for a boy...don't give up! There are several houses that I found that are all wood or wood and primary colors and seem very nice. I just needed these colors because the request to Santa was for purple.) This house is very attractive. And while it is in no way "girly" as most doll houses are, I can see both girls and boys enjoying this product.I was pleased with the amount of furniture. I had considered buying the children's room and the dining furniture too. I'm glad I waited; the furniture provided is plenty for my son for now. Of course the need of a 3.5 year old boy will be different than an older, more detail oriented girl. I did purchase the Hape family and the Hape pets, both of which my son has thoroughly enjoyed and he's only had it 3 days!I didn't really understand the "all seasons" aspect of the house until we got it. He has really enjoyed changing the roof panels from "green" to "snow". He can do that without help. The stairs are movable, and he, at 3.5, is able to move and reattach the stairs without assistance.His grandparents assembled the house and hid it for us until Christmas Eve. I can't personally speak to assembly, but I did ask my mother-in-law after reading reviews about various problems. She said it was a relatively easy assembly, but she felt like the fact that two of them worked together to put it together helped with lining up the floors, a problem many seem to have. Also, they realized the need to refrain from tightening completely to ensure everything is aligned.The only problem we have had is that the bed frame for the master bedroom was missing. I haven't tried to get it replaced yet. That may prove difficult. Again, the 3 year old boy hasn't even noticed. He lies the people on the "mattress" that is supposed to go on the bed which we just placed on the floor with the other bedroom furniture.The house seems sturdy and durable. I feel as though the house will outlast my son's interest; I can't say that for all of his toys. I would definitely recommend this product to friends!
Im groen und ganzen sind wir mit dem puppenhaus sehr zufrieden !Wir haben keinerlei qualit_tsprobleme! Haus wird von einer 2 und 4 j_hrigem m_dchen bespielt und bis jetzt h_lt alles top! Nur die div Polster nerven etwas, bzw dessen Etiketten -deswegen wurden bei uns alle Etiketten entfernt _)Kann das Haus aber echt weiterempfehlen - haus hat eine gute gr̦sse-farbenfroh-keine komischen ger_che-stabil-viele Einrichtungsgegenst_nde -einiges an zus_tzlichen Sets sind erwerbbar-preod Leistung okay!
My three year old son requested a "purple house" for Christmas. After much searching, I came across this house. I like the fun colors and one of the panels was purple, so I was able to sell it to the 3 year old as a "colors house". (If you are looking for a house for a boy...don't give up! There are several houses that I found that are all wood or wood and primary colors and seem very nice. I just needed these colors because the request to Santa was for purple.) This house is very attractive. And while it is in no way "girly" as most doll houses are, I can see both girls and boys enjoying this product. I was pleased with the amount of furniture. I had considered buying the children's room and the dining furniture too. I'm glad I waited; the furniture provided is plenty for my son for now. Of course the need of a 3.5 year old boy will be different than an older, more detail oriented girl. I did purchase the Hape family and the Hape pets, both of which my son has thoroughly enjoyed and he's only had it 3 days! I didn't really understand the "all seasons" aspect of the house until we got it. He has really enjoyed changing the roof panels from "green" to "snow". He can do that without help. The stairs are movable, and he, at 3.5, is able to move and reattach the stairs without assistance. His grandparents assembled the house and hid it for us until Christmas Eve. I can't personally speak to assembly, but I did ask my mother-in-law after reading reviews about various problems. She said it was a relatively easy assembly, but she felt like the fact that two of them worked together to put it together helped with lining up the floors, a problem many seem to have. Also, they realized the need to refrain from tightening completely to ensure everything is aligned. The only problem we have had is that the bed frame for the master bedroom was missing. I haven't tried to get it replaced yet. That may prove difficult. Again, the 3 year old boy hasn't even noticed. He lies the people on the "mattress" that is supposed to go on the bed which we just placed on the floor with the other bedroom furniture. The house seems sturdy and durable. I feel as though the house will outlast my son's interest; I can't say that for all of his toys. I would definitely recommend this product to friends!***update 1/6/13***- I contacted Hape via their website and received the missing furniture piece. A representative emailed within minutes of my request and the bed was received in a matter of days.- I'm not adjusting my 5 star rating; I still think it's a great house. However, after spending some time in play with my son, I do agree with another reviewer that there should be more stairs.
Fantastica! Non si smetterebbe mai di guardarla e giocarci...L'abbiamo regalata alla nostra bambina di 3 anni ed il divertimento ̬ cominciato gi nella fase di montaggio della casina (assolutamente non impegnativo). Dettagli curatissimi, oggetti solidi (alcuni adatti a bambini forse un po' pi_ grandi della nostra). Noi ci abbiamo abbinato la camera del neonato (con neonato incluso) e due famiglie (caucasica e afroamericana). Una gran folla di simpatici personaggi dai grandi piedoni che riescono a stare in tutte le posizioni desiderate. In conclusione, siamo contenti di aver speso meno in altri giochi ed aver "scommesso" in questo gioco sicuramente piuttosto costoso.