We got Storypod by recommendation of a friend who had signed up during their Kickstarted campaign for their grandkids and thought it would be a great toy to have for ours. We have not only been able to see them through videoconferencing playing with their characters (crafies) but have also been able to record our own stories through the app in which my wife ad I play the roles of several characters we make up for every story telling recording and send to them so that they can hear grandpa and grandma when we are not there stimulating their imagination. We are all for education, creativity and fun and this toy has it all. We hope to continue sending them stories while we travel and play with them when we visit. Great buy!
I can't say enough great things about storypod!! We got ours to help with bedtime routine and it has been a game changer. The focus on emotional literacy is stellar and models great language for kids and adults alike. My kids will go get their emotion monsters when they are having big feelings. There is so much content that has songs, read to me books, trivia cards by grade level.... we love it all!!!I love that you don't need an internet connection to enjoy the content. You just need wifi for the initial download. After that you can take it in the car, plane, etc. And the recordable are amazing. You can invite family to record remotely. So grandma can read a book to tyke kids even if grandma is in Europe. This would be great for military families as well.And did i mention the stuffed craftie are machine washable? Cuz I'm loving that too!!! #kidsaremessy lol
This is a very original toy. My kids (3 & 6) are enjoying it so much! You can hear to the stories and music in English and Spanish when you place the yarn figurine on top of the speaker.The volume doesn't get very high but I think that is on purpose so that the children can hear their stories without disturbing others in the same room. They can also play with the figurines while they are hearing the content because the audio keeps going once you place the crafty on top of the speaker. You can stop the audio whenever you want.The audiobook is also very cool. My kids were able to read along while they heard the story and at the end they answer the questions pressing the buttons that light up in colors. It also has other functions that you can set up in the app. Also, any member of the family who has the app, can record what they want on their cell phones and when you place the owl (My Craftie) on the speaker you can hear what they recorded. That is so cool!!!I really recommend this toy, so you can keep your kids out of the screens for a while.
This is a very unique product! I love that I can read a story once and the kiddos can listen to it every time. Just something about hearing a loved ones voice when they can’t be around or are otherwise busy( mom of 7 here!” I also love that I can read to my nieces and nephews that seem like worlds away. The idea of them snuggled up for bed and hearing my voice I hope it makes them feel loved!!! Best part of all you have TOTAL control, what you put on it is what they hear. I have kids ages 8m-10 and they all love it. My twins even carry it around after nap to listen while I do lessons with my older crew.I’d recommend it as a gift from grandparents, aunts and uncles, and anyone who’d love to read to the kiddos!
Must haveI have two girls; a 5 year old book work and a busy body almost 2 year old.My daughters love this storypod!It’s easy to use and set up.It comes with a cute colored sleeve and a recordable craftie which is perfect to create your own personalized recording!We love recording and replaying our own stories.