Open this pack of wonderfully varied baby bears in triple sets of size, color and weight. Aid your children in their understanding of complicated math concepts, all through these very cute and enjoyable little bears. This package has also been proven to help children on the spectrum to relax and be healthily stimulated while learning how various mathematical ideas work. Making math fun is easy with these super cute and varied teaching toys.
Our SmartKidsPlanet initiative began in 2017 when 3 geeky and dedicated parents saw a gap in the children’s toys and games market. An opportunity was spotted while we struggled to find toys and games for our kids which enriched their minds and guided them toward science, art, math and construction. The trio then knew that their paths were set, establishing an online shop with a comprehensive range of intelligent toys for babies, children and young teenagers.
With offices based in California, our SmartKidsPlanet team enjoys a daily growth in our presence within the children’s educational toys market. We love our new place in life, and we love helping young minds with their growth and skill development, all while having as much fun as possible.
My son loves playing with these. He has them everywhere. We count them, sort by color and size, and line them up. We also found they float in the tub.
These are pretty straight forward, if you are looking for a manipulative for counting, sorting, weighing, comparing, graphing, etc these bears are super cute and a great resource.There are six different colors of bears: purple, blue, red, orange, yellow and green, and with those colors there are three different sizes of bears, small (baby bears), medium, and large.These are made of hard plastic, which I think are great (stays clean, doesn't pick up lint, dog hair, etc) just mentioning this because some manipulatives out there are softer like the density of an eraser.
Tr̬s bon achat. J'ai achet̩ ce lot d'ours pour ma fille de 19 mois. Elle en est folle! elle nous les r̩clame sans arr̻t en nous rapportant le petit pot :) . Je cherchais un moyen de commencer l'apprentissage des couleurs, j'ai achet̩ le petit lot d'assiettes en compl̩ment pour effectuer des tris de couleur. Premi̬re approche, il y en a clairement partout, le bonheur ̩tant de vider le pot et de le re remplir pendant des heures apparemment! Le contenant est donc aussi important que le contenu. Maintenant que ma fille l'a un peu plus manipul̩, elle a commenc̩ reconnątre les couleurs. Elle met les ours violets dans l'assiette violette ( c'est pas encore parfait mais ̤a montre qu'elle a compris de quoi je parle!) . Apr̬s on pourra aussi jouer sur la taille des ours. Il y a une notice dans la boite qui donne plein d'id̩es toute simples de jeux ( comptage, couleurs, algorithmes ... ) Attention par contre la taille des petits ours, je ne laisse pas ma fille jouer avec sans nous, elle est encore trop petite et pourrait les avaler. Bref, je suis tr̬s contente de mon achat, Learning ressources est une marque vraiment de qualit̩, dommage qu'elle ne soit pas plus connue en France. Je suis enseignante et je trouve que c'est vraiment du mat̩riel qualitatif et ludique. N'h̩sitez pas.
This is an excellent learning resource for my twin babies .They are learning colors, sorting, counting and having fun with these colorful bears.
We purchased these, the scales, the pattern cards, and the sorting bowls. The bears are really cute. Both of my kids (3 & 4) enjoy these! My 3 year old (just turned 3,) mainly sorts them by size and color, but my 4 year old loves the pattern cards, and is capable of doing much more with them than expected. Having purchased the scales, I love the fact that the company thought far enough ahead to weight them somewhat precisely. These are durable, and great for either pretend play or to use them for what they were designed for. --Just as a note--I don't know if a four color family set even exists, but just for reference, the pattern cards only use 4 colors, not 6 as are included in the bucket.