The media could not be loaded. My boys are ages 5, 7 and 9 and they all love this and have been playing with it together well. They followed directions independently for about 5 setups and now are creating their own circuits to experiment what will make the lights and fan work. They like to tap the fan to make it fly off the circuit as you can see in the video. Each piece has a place in the plastic storage tray so all the pieces can easily go back in the box to help keep track and avoid missing pieces. Great purchase!
This toy is a perfect introduction into the world of science for young children. I bought this for my 4 year old daughter, who loved making the circuits but needed help following the directions. Fast forward a year, and this is her go-to toy for quiet time. She can follow the instructions by herself and enjoys experimenting and making her own circuits. My 3 year old son sees how much his sister loves this and often asks to play with snap circuits himself! If you're looking for an independent toy for a child, I would wait until they're at least 5 to give this to them. But children as young as 3 or 4 can definitely have fun and learn the basics of circuits with help. THeir favorite circuit is the "flying saucer", where the propeller goes flying if you connect the pieces correctly.My kids love legos and puzzles, and this type of toy fits their personalities perfectly. Even my husband loves when they ask for his help with Snap Circuits, and is looking forward to giving them the more difficult sets down the road. I've given this as a gift at least a dozen times, and have been met with nothing but positive feedback. It's a hit for boys and girls alike. Definitely a must have toy!
My almost 7 year old son loved this as a birthday present. However, it is mainly a toy that teaches very little electronics. You just follow the diagrams and play!Its probably appropriate for that age group, however. Its good for getting kids comfortable with electronics. We'll worry about theory when they are older and their attention spans are longer.PHILIP
I wasn۪t sure if a seven-year-old girl would be interested in something like this, but my daughter is smart and interested in all sorts of things so I gave it a shot. I was expecting her to follow a couple things and get bored with it and put it away for later, but she has favorite projects that she will put together over and over and when I was trying to show her how to do some things different that weren۪t in the book, she pointed out why it wouldn۪t work. I said, Trust me, and just watch. It didn۪t work. And for the reason she said it wouldn۪t work. I have to say, I am impressed with the quality for the price. I actually added the $65 higher level one to my shopping cart and my wife told me I had to wait. If you have a kid that is interested in learning on their own, especially if they are homeschooled or bored with school work, I would recommend this.
My son got this for his 5th birthday. It took him a day to figure out how to follow the diagrams. Within 3 days he was creating his own circuts. I heard him teaching his 4 year old brother all about electricity. He said. "No John don't lay that across the battery it will short circuit. and, "The circuit has to make a complete circle from battery to battery for the electricity to flow through it." Never put water anywhere near anything electric." etc...... He just started Kindergarten. I know they are not learning about elctricity yet, so he had to of learned all of this from this toy. I was impressed. He is impresssed with himself. He's taking it into school for show and tell so he can show his teachers what he can do. This product is completely safe too. Think of it like legos with electrical parts. They will not get a shock. Just don't give it to a kid that will swallow the pieces.I buy the snap circuit sc-100 for his classmates when he is in invited to their birthday parties too. What a great gift!