Great colours 4 - yellow, blue, purple and red. Just fill with water and shake. The box says colours four garments but we did four children's t shirts age 7 to 11 years but without doubt it could have coloured 1 children's t shirts of the same sort of sizes and least 6 adult t shirts. It comes with elastic bands but they are not particularly stretchy so for adult t shirts you might like to get your own elastic bands. I would definitely say you need disposable gloves for each person dying. It comes with two pairs of gloves but you can't take them off to share easily - so buy extra gloves if more persons than two are using the dye. I would also suggest doing the dying in a bowl so any excess dye is collected in the bowl. Finally use cling film to put the finished dyed t shirt in to sit for 8 hours and not a plastic carrier bag as per the instructions as these might have holes in! So that's all of my advice! Definitely worth buying this pack as relatively cheap and goes a long way!
We had really great results with this kit. Last year we used a different one and were really dissapointed that the clothes faded really badly when we washed the dye off. This time, I soaked the items in water with salt in it, which apparently helps the dye to take. I also left the items for between 2 and 3 days - we did a lot of dyeing and I got really fed up of rinsing so some things got left an extra day! We used this kit and a smaller one of a different brand and in total I think we got 3 pairs of leggings, 3 tshirts, 6 vests and about 8 pairs of pants! I rinsed in cold water and then washed items with the same colour dye in a short wash in the machine with a small amount of powder. Everything came out really brightly and we only had two that didn't work - one tshirt which I didn't realise wasn't made of cotton, and a pair of leggings where the fabric was really too thick and we didn't use enough dye.
I recommend leaving a good few hours for this project so you don't have to rush, and being careful to wipe up spills as you go - some of our items have splodges of dye they picked up from the work surface which spoils the effect a little bit.
I bought 3 tshirts age 7 for this tie die set and there was so much mixture left I wish I'd bought 1. Unfortunately the mix dosent keep so it's a one time use kit. The result was fantastic though, I'd definitely buy this kit again but just buy more tshirts next time!
I bought this as an activity for me to do with my grandchildren - aged nearly 5 and nearly 7. The kit is for age 8+ but I felt suitable for the kids with me helping and supervising. I had already bought a pack of three cheap white cotton T shirts for each child - we had already used one T shirt each for another project so had two each to dye. This was the first time I had ever done any tie-dying myself and I was a bit nervous but it was all very easy and straight forward. We had plenty of dye left over (which was obviously wasted) so could have dyed at least double what we did - but I didn't mind as it was all an experiment really.
So much fun! Lots of dyes that can be used on separate occasions so this isn't just a one time use product.