This was a gift for our almost 3 year old grandson. I worried it would be too hard for him to run, but it's been perfect. You start and stop the train with a push. The track can be a little challenging for little hands, but he's got the hang of it now. The train has a nice layout and lots of extras to make play fun. Our little guy is so busy experimenting with the little colored tiles that make the light go on or make it beep the horn. Glad we bought it. I think he'll get lots of imaginative play out of this one. It's sturdy, age appropriate and designed for creative play. Love it! Now if I can just get his Grandpa away from it.
This may be the most impressive toddler toy I have ever seen. My son just turned three and absolutely loves trains. He also loves to build stuff, likes to fiddle w our remote control and likes playing games on my phone. This toy gives him the ability to do all of those things. The fact that it is compatible with this other DUPLO Trains means we have lots of train tracks designs we can create. This also has action blocks that control train functions and the train set can also interact with an app is. Seriously this Is nothing short of amazing. Even our seven-year-old is fascinated by this too and it is something they can do together for hours. Its not easy to keep a three-year-old and seven-year-old entertained using the same toy. This is a toy that he can play with and enjoy for a good long while.
My 4 year old originally asked Santa for a Thomas Super Station and Santa being super knowledgeable knew that it wasnt compatible with the Thomas set we already have, so he found this. Needless to say this was far better of an idea. Thank goodness for Santas toy knowledge. Anywhoo, this train is awesome. One push and it travels around the track. It also has thes cool tiles that you just put on the track and it makes sound or completes an action when it rolls over them. My sons love the train along with the other Duplo included, especially the crane and boat. Finally, this train connects to its own app, which we havent gotten around to trying because on its own it still provides a lot of entertainment, but I will be willing to try the app one day. This toy is an awesome addition to the current Dulpo we already have!!!
This is one of the favorite toys of my 3 year old. He loves the train.
I like that it stops when it feels resistance and starts to drive when you push it in either direction (forward or backwards).
That works well with my son who usually likes to push things.
I like how well it works and thought through it is.
Christmas morning was a HIT! My 3 year old absolutely loves it. He played for hours with it. The interactive app is impressive. It provides challenges to be completed while playing with the train. The cause and effect skills that it teaches is a perfect start to learning to code. We also purchased extra tracks to expand it!