Gameshows are one of the most entertaining TV specials, which is why the Gameshow Response Buzzers set allows children to create their very own one! You will want to help them in making their personalized game show as educational as possible, gearing sessions around testing children on their knowledge of their subjects and upcoming tests. There are four buzzers here, for the most thrilling educational gameshow imaginable! Each buzzer has its own color and sound for the best differentiation.
Our SmartKidsPlanet initiative began in 2017 when 3 geeky and dedicated parents saw a gap in the children’s toys and games market. An opportunity was spotted while we struggled to find toys and games for our kids which enriched their minds and guided them toward science, art, math and construction. The trio then knew that their paths were set, establishing an online shop with a comprehensive range of intelligent toys for babies, children and young teenagers.
My daughter's six grade teacher has a set of these by Highlights Magazine on her desk at school. My toddler saw them during the class Christmas party and was immediately obsessed with them and the different sounds they make. I tried to get them thru Highlights with no success and of course found them on ............... along with almost everything else you could ever need! They are definitely a hit with my 18 month old son! Not to mention his 7 and 9 year old brothers.
Great product. We enjoyed them. Quick delivery. Thanks.
These buzzers will light up any classroom or game night!
Used the buttons with family feud game. Each button makes different, distinct sound. Created game environment for staff party. Everybody had a great time and enjoyed the game more with the sound buttons.
Wie benutzen diese Buzzer nicht als Spielzeug.Ein mir Bekannter schwer behinderter _lterer Mann der leider nicht mehr in der Lage ist zu sprechen hat stets einen dieser Buzzer in seiner Reichweite. Einen haben wir sogar mit selbstklebendem Klettband am seinem Rollstuhl befestigt. Wenn er etwas ben̦tigt, Essen oder Trinken will oder zur Toilette muss macht er mit einem Druck auf einen der Buzzer auf sich aufmerksam.Eine ungew̦hnliche Art der Anwendung aber auch daf_r bestens geeignet.