Really good item for teaching little ones about vital organs in their bodies. The pieces are nice and sticky but havent become gross or hairy/dusty as of yet, and it's been taken apart and put back together many times! Pro tip, I use a piece of cling film to wrap around the sticky pieces before putting ribcage on which stops them from falling out once standing up. Without this, the intestines would routinely flop out, frustrating my 5yo a lot! Bit of clingy does the job nicely.
This is a fantastic tool for a homeschool unit on the human body. I use it with my 6 and 4 year olds, but it is probably intended for 8-10 year olds. (I'm a physician trying to homeschool, and so my unit on the human body is probably far from typical!)If you don't homeschool, this is still worth having. Use it with your kids to review what they are covering in their lessons. (I believe that's technically called 'afterschooling'!) I don't think it would work well in a classroom, though. Way too small; it needs to be used with maybe 2-3 kids max at a time.I get it out for every lesson of our human body study. We look at the system we are studying, and it is a tremendous visual aid to understand the physiology.For example: Today we talked about respiration. The diaphragm can be tricky to explain, so I used this model. With the forceps I pushed the diaphragm piece up and down while making exaggerated sound effects. "What happens to the lungs when I push this up? What about if it pulls down? Where does the air go?" and they were able to see clearly how the diaphragm pulls air in and pushes it out. Never would've gotten that from a textbook.I also use this model for a Charlotte Mason style of narration. I can take all of the pieces out, and as I put them back in place ask "Hand me the stomach. Which piece is it? What does it do?" The youngest child gets the first shot, and then the older can add what he knows. For review I can hand my son the forceps and ask him to "tell me what happens to food." He can trace the path of an apple through the model and explain what happens in each spot.Visual aids are a huge asset when learning anything, but especially something that can be hard for a child to visualize, such as the inside of a body. Illustrations in a book are helpful, but this goes several steps beyond. A line sketch of "my digestive system" is good, but too abstract for a young child to really make any meaningful connection with the actual human body. This model is that connecting piece between books and the physical world.Just a warning: this is fairly delicate. Keep away from the littles. It needs to be kept put away and gotten out for school. Let it get mixed in with other toys and kiss your kidneys goodbye!If you are doing a human body unit, I also really likeand. Good luck!
Great visual aid! Got this for 10 yr old grandson, who is heavy into skateboarding and dirt bikes, so I was taking a chance. He tore right into it, pretended to be grossed out, played exclusively with it over all the other Christmas gifts, and actually said to me, "This is the BEST toy I've ever gotten!" His 11 yr old brother was also very interested in it. The book is informative and easy to understand, the parts chart, with descriptions of each organ, was very helpful. I'm ordering a second one to keep at my house so we can interact with it together when he's here, to enhance the learning aspect of the toy. It's a wonderful "sit at the table and play alone" kind of toy.I highly recommend this toy.
I think pictures say a lot! I‚Äôve attached quite a fewWe are a homeschooling family and this was one of three items I purchased for our anatomy unit. This was a total hit! It came with an organizer (to lay the dissected parts on), instructions on how to assemble and disassemble the model, and an educational booklet that teaches about each organ, in addition to the actual squishy model.We read the booklet (the first two organs), we watched a YouTube video on those two organs to complement the lesson, then we dissected those two organs from the model.For our next lesson we will do the same and proceed to 1) read about the next organ in the book, 2) watch a video that complements that, and 3) dissect that organThat way, my kids are getting a multi sensory approach to learning. Auditory, visual, and tactile.This purchase was with every pennyIt‚Äôs definitely something you want to teach your kids to be careful with though. The organs, due to their squishy and sticky nature, can collect dirt and debris.I don‚Äôt believe this would stand upright very well if you intend on displaying it but we aren‚Äôt too concerned about that since we are storing this back in its original box and in our homeschool supply closet with our other anatomy items. I prefer to keep items that belong to the same subject matter together for quick and easy accessIf this review was helpful to you, please leave a thumbs up üòäüëçüèº
Squishy Human Body was a hit with my 5-year-old son. He's very curious about the human body and how it works, and this toy allows him to explore and gives us topics to discuss. He loves to take it apart and put it back together, and I love that he's learning something as he plays.Other reviewers mentioned that once you get the parts out, it's difficult to get them back inside, but we didn't experience that. I will say that my son needed help to get it all back in correctly, but that wasn't a big deal at all. The parts don't fall out like others said, either. And when the organs got dirty and fuzzy, I just rinsed them off in water and they're good as new.My only complaint is that the tweezers were poorly made and broke the first time we used them. Other than that, this is a great toy.