The 3Doodler Create + is both a toy and an artist's tool. While trying it out the hours flew by, I felt like a little kid playing with new toys on Christmas morning. Despite the fact that it will take a lot of practice before I can make anything useful or artistic, I'm having a blast trying to learn how to make various shapes. The instructions are very basic, but the website has lots of hints, tips, projects, and stencils to download for free. There are quite a few YouTube videos as well.As the packaging states, the tip gets incredibly hot. However, the pen's design makes holding it and using it comfortable without risk of a burn. There are 2 types of filaments in the kit; ABS and PLA.PLA is made from sugarcane and cornstarch and is used for plastic cups, cutlery, and other food grade plasticware. It has a lower melting point and a slightly glossier finish but is not as strong as ABS.ABS requires a higher melting point and has a chemical smell but it is stronger and less likely to break if dropped.Cleaning it after use is easy. If there is still some of the plastic sticking out from the unheated end of the pen you simply tap one of the speed buttons twice and it goes in reverse. Once the filament clears the gear mechanism, which can be seen through a clear window, it's easy to pull out. If there is no plastic sticking out then simply use the rest of it up or the long tool can be used to push the remainder out once the tip is removed. The kit has tools to accomplish this and more. The website has good visual instruction for removing the plastic.So far I wrote my dog's name. The second try was legible but more practice is needed. I then made a pyramid. Not too difficult but a bit rough...more practice needed. I have tried to make a long vertical spiral...haven't figured that out yet. I think it's best if I stick with 2 dimensional objects until I am better able to control the pen and it's flow. Once I master that - look out! I'd like to make a small lampshade, Christmas ornaments, and focal beads for jewelry.Just what I need, another hobby!!
This was my first time ever using a #D Printing Pen so I was pretty skeptical. It turned out to be super easy to use and get use to. Now I can't stop using it!! I absolutely LOVE it and would highly recommend this to everyone! Fair warning, once you start it is hard to stop!
My daughter loves it very crafty
I am impressed with the quality of this product! The packaging is very good and when I opened it, the plastic came in 3 different containers in 3 color groups. The 3D pen is sturdy and the buttons are easy to navigate. I tried writing my name and creating small art pieces so I can get used to it. I۪m excited to create more artsy stuff! This is so cool!
Works great.. dont have to stop ever hour or two hours ... Long time use is great