We bought this 3 years ago for our oldest and now our younger two kids are also enjoying it. Easy to use and they love seeing household items up close. Recommended! Photo shows napkin fibers.
I ordered the Educational Insights Nancy B’s Science Club Microscope and Activity Journal and was mainly looking forward to utilizing for the science section of school for my kids (we homeschool our kids). The night we received it and took the microscope out of the box, I was amazed at how eager all of my kids were to get their hands on it! My fourteen year old son was especially excited about checking out different things under the different magnifications. When I was a kid, I had a microscope but, instead of a built-in light, I had to rely on a quarter-sized mirror at the bottom of the unit to reflect light across the specimen. Thankfully, this microscope is self-lit and it makes viewing the items on the slides a HUGE breeze! This item is great for my younger homeschooled kids in grades 1st and 3rd, but this has also proved helpful with my son’s experiments in 9th grade Biology. Thanks for making such a fun and easy to use product.I anticipate relying on this tool throughout the school year and just for fun :)
This was a cool gift for my science loving 8 year old daughter. My 3 yo also enjoyed looking once my 8yo adjusted each slide first. The other slides and pieces that come with the microscope have kept her busy and she still pulls this out several weeks later to look at things as she finds them. As an adult that has seen through an actual microscope, the quality is of course no where near as nice and resolution/focus is not that great... but at the price point it is as good as I would expect. Please note that not all settings will adjust clearly, but does offer a close (albeit slightly out of focus) view.
Insight's Nancy B's Science Club® Microscope and Activity Journal is anabsolutely wonderful product for kids! The microscope is of great quality and Ilove that it has a light both on top and on bottom. It works perfectly and does30x, 100x, and 400x magnifications which is perfect for viewing even thetiniest of things. I also love that it comes with a few sample slides so you canbegin using the microscope right out of the box. You can also use the blank slides tocreate your own slides which my son just loves to do. My son is finding newthings to view every day and is really excited to use the activity journal todocument everything. Nancy B's Science Club® Microscope and Activity Journal isjust a great set to get your kids interested in science. I highly recommend it!It comes with everything you need to get started and it keeps your kids engagedfor a long time to come!
I am quite surprised how nicely made a telescope can be made while keeping kids in mind. Not only does Nancy B's microscope have great zoom abilities, it also has different lighting options so you can see your subject better. I wish I had this scope when I was a kid. Mine had a small swivel mirror to reflect lighting to your subject, and that was hit or miss.Nancy B's telescope comes with three zooms: 30x, 100x, and a crazy 400x. The 30x and 100x zooms work great and produce a good image, but he 400x is really pushing it. It's a struggle to get a decent focus and the overall image is soft, but you still see something worthwhile. (I'm posting sample pics of this in the customer images section.)The lighting selections are really helpful. You can choose from top or bottom lighting. Top lighting is great for those opaque items you want to see the surface of. The bottom is great for most everything else.Accessories include: An instruction manual (explains everything how the microscope and accessories work and how to keep the microscope in good shape), plastic toy version of a scalpel, spatula, stirring rod, tweezers, test tube with cap, petri dish, pipette, specimen vial, prepared slides, blank slides, slide labels, and cover slips. All kid safe. Nothing that can cause serious injury. There are some small parts that can be choking hazards with very young children. Lastly, there's a fun activity journal with instructions and experiments for kids to try at home. From swabbing cheek cells to examining sugar and salt crystals, each are viable, safe, and intriguing activities to get young scientists involved in their own projects.My biggest disappointment came from the sample prepared slides. They're terribly mounted. Most of the samples were thick, so the clear sticker cover slide bubbles up around it creating a distracting view. It looks interesting, but it may confuse some kids as to what they are actually seeing. (Refer to my uploaded pics in the customer images.) Consider getting an extra set of pre-mounted slides likeor similar and you have a winning combination your kid will truly appreciate.For a microscope that's designed for kids, I'm impressed. This is a very cool microscope with some great zoom options. I'm not wholly impressed with the sample slides they offered, but the potential is there for inquisitive kids to have a field day checking out their world from a microscopic level with the tools and instructions they are given.Excellent education value for the curious kids with a heart for science while keeping kid friendly and fun.