I bought this toy for my nephew's 3rd birthday and he absolutely loves it. For the weeks following his birthday he refused to come inside because he loved playing with this toy so much. My nieces and nephews (ages 3, 6, 8, and 12) all loved playing with the dueling rocket, and so did the adults!!!!! The initial set up took all of 2 minutes, almost all ages are able to refill the rockets by themselves and anyone can participate!!
The initial toy only comes with Red rockets so if you purchase the Blue rockets it'll make the distance competitions fun and easy to judge! Awesome purchase!! Would definitely purchase again!!!
Huge Hit!!! I bought this for a church picnic. I thought we needed more activities and I’m so glad I bought it. Everyone loved this thing! It took 2 seconds to set up. Seems to be decent quality. This toy was enjoyed by kids and adults alike. When the adults/big kids use this rocket those rockets really fly! My 3 year old said the rockets were his favorite part of the picnic and we had a bounce house and face painting too. I’ve been asked by several parents where I bought it. I know quite a few children will be getting this toy for holidays and birthdays. Thank you for a great entertaining toy!
We just bought this version for a friend for a birthday after owning and having tons of fun with the single person version ourselves. This version solves the two major issues I had with the single person. This stand doesn't fall apart and fall over and more than one kid can play with this one at a time, which somehow solves a lot of minor squabbles.
You stomp, which squishes the air through the tube and to the rocket and the air power makes the rockets fly. We often bring ours to picnics and gatherings with open spaces and lots of kids. The rockets are cheap, but hold up surprisingly well. They are soft and even if they hit someone at their fastest to don't hurt. If a kid bites one, marks are left but it still flies. They can get stuck in trees and on roofs, but the wind eventually brings them back down. I've seen a kid barely walking have fun shooting the rocket a short way up and I've seen grown men act like kids because of this toy. I think the competitive aspect of the 2 person rocket is likely to make this even more interesting to the older kids.
My kids (4 & 2) love these. Also some neighbor kids (6 & 9) walked by and also loved them. Careful not to bend over to reload one rocket while your excited child is stomping the other one... but I’ve been hit at pretty close range and it didn’t hurt. So... safe for all ages! Ha. We had the original version for a couple of years before the rockets tore apart (likely because of destructo-baby). These are a slightly different design but work just as well. Note that my husband bought a different brand of the same idea at a major toy store, and they barely flew, so we returned them. Get this specific brand for sure.
We have owned and gifted several rocket and ultra rockets. They are my go-to gift for toddler to preschool age kids. Our issue has always been that after a while the hose and plastic rocket holder don't hold together well. This results is not being able to get a good up-in-the-air aim . We've frankensteined several of these things with screws and additional pieces trying to get it to stay up. The other issue is that we'd always attract a neighborhood crowd when we were playing with it. This has solved both of these issues with the dueling rockets. Now 2 kids can go at a time! And for the first time ever there's an additional piece to hold the rockets straight. That piece alone is a game changer.